Happy Mother’s Day!

to all the special mothers that wake up in the middle of the night to change diapers, send their children off to college, and still through the years do not stop caring or loving their adult children. The world only goes round because of you.

Happy Nurse’s Day to all nurses!

Thank you to all nurses for your support, commitment, and care!  “If you think nurses are only found in hospitals, then think again! The majority of registered nurses (59%) practice elsewhere, such as a nursing home or on home visits. They work across...

April is National Child Abuse and Prevention Month

According to childwelfare.gov: “In Federal fiscal year (FFY) 2018, the most recent year for which national child maltreatment statistics are available, about 4.3 million reports were made to child protective services concerning the safety and well-being of...

Poison Prevention Week March 15-21, 2020

You can click on the link for more information regarding poisoning. It includes: how to tell if someone has been poisoned, what to do, where you can go for help, what to expect at the emergency room, and how to prevent poisoning....