With your very own free Nurse­-Family Partnership personal nurse, you will get the support, advice and information you need during your pregnancy and when your baby arrives.

Becoming a mom for the first-­time can be a lot to handle, so wouldn’t it be nice to have an expert nurse to help you on your journey? Over 250,000 first­-time moms just like you enjoy the benefits of having a NFP nurse.

I know. It sounds too good to be true, right? It’s true! We’d love to tell you more and answer all your questions.

To request this service, you must be a first-time mom that is pregnant 28 weeks or less, but your nurse would love to work with you as early in your pregnancy as possible. There is also an income eligibility requirement.

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It is so much more than just play…

Toddlers don't learn the same way adults do. Play is fun and stimulates their mind to be open to new concepts. Read about what you can do!  https://www.babygaga.com/how-develop-babys-imagination-through-play/ 

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May is Mental Health Awareness Month

It’s OK to get help with mental illness — life can get better. Let’s end mental illness stigma and support those who are seeking treatment. Learn more: https://makeitok.org/ Está bien recibir ayuda para una enfermedad mental- la vida puede mejorar. Vamos a acabar con...

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