Happy Father’s Day!

Wishing all Fathers a happy day! Thank you for the structure, protection, and love you provide for your family.  

Remind Yourself to Take Care of You…

“Burning the candle at both ends, so-to-speak, comes with significant consequences, which may include but are not limited to burnout, depression, anxiety, resentment and a whole host of other negative implications. Engaging in a self-care routine has been...

Gentle discipline works

“Nobody likes a raised voice. Nobody likes a stern tone. Nobody likes to be told off. But for a highly sensitive child (HSC), all these things hit home even harder.” -AMANDA VAN MULLIGEN To read the full article, click...

Clutter and attention span in children

“Adults can often experience this as well, and many adults may be unable to work if their desk or counters are too cluttered, and it is the same principle with children and toys. Research has pointed to the fact that fewer toys can lead to playtime that is of...