It is so much more than just play…

Toddlers don’t learn the same way adults do. Play is fun and stimulates their mind to be open to new concepts. Read about what you can do! 

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

It’s OK to get help with mental illness — life can get better. Let’s end mental illness stigma and support those who are seeking treatment. Learn more: Está bien recibir ayuda para una enfermedad mental- la vida puede mejorar. Vamos a acabar con...

Happy Mother’s Day! Happy Mother’s Day! We send our warmest wishes to every single one of the moms who do their best, simply by showing up! One day is not enough to celebrate the...

Keep your baby safe

Babies are born with immune systems that can fight most germs, but there are some diseases they can’t handle on their own. Learn how vaccines help strengthen your baby’s immune system and keep him safe from vaccine-preventable diseases. Los bebés nacen con un sistema...

Self-regulation and executive function are key ingredients…

Children’s self-regulation and executive function are key ingredients in their lifetime performance. It’s not just about learning language or learning numbers or learning colors. We have to be able to work effectively with others, with distractions, with...