Much fun can be found from sports, but not as much when partnering up with a loved one, especially if it is one’s child. Join in today in the fun! Practice or introduce a sport with your mini.
The Mayo Clinic released an outline of sports that can be practiced according to the child’s age.
For example:
Ages 2 to 5
Toddlers and preschoolers are beginning to master many basic movements, but they’re too young for most organized sports. Toddlers who participate in organized sports typically don’t gain any long-term advantage in terms of future sports performance.
For children in this age group, unstructured free play is usually best. This may include:
- Running
- Hopping, skipping and jumping
- Tumbling
- Throwing and catching
- Swimming
- Riding a tricycle or bicycle
- Climbing on playground equipment
For the complete outline click here.